Category Automation
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How to build your Hyper-automation technology portfolio?

hyper automation technology

Leaders in software engineering are frequently under pressure to offer rapid benefits using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) which depends solely on task-level automation. Nevertheless, this compartmentalized automation rarely scales to achieve the long-term strategic benefits of Hyper Automation.

Hyper Automation, a holistic and disciplined approach to automation, entails a combination of intelligently orchestrated automation technologies that enables end-to-end intelligent automation.

This strategy emphasizes the need to go beyond task-based automation and automate all business operations that can or ought to be automated.

Not all business procedures are straightforward, rule-based, and quick. Complex business rules, human-led decision-making, and continual optimization are components of numerous processes. To automate enterprise-level complex operations, firms must go beyond isolated options such as RPA and develop a strategic technology portfolio that enables Hyper Automation.

However, the overlapping capabilities and marketing hype of multiple automation solutions have made it challenging for CIOs to select the optimal combination of technologies for delivering Hyper Automation.

This blog will discuss the essential frameworks recommended by Gartner for constructing an effective Hyperautomation portfolio. Here are the three factors to consider:

  1. Creating a Hyperautomation capabilities map by harmonizing corporate objectives.
  2. Choosing technologies based on the importance of important hyper-automation features.
  3. Important factors for making intelligent technological judgments.

Constructing a Hyperautomation Capability Map: A Hyperautomation capability-mapping exercise should begin with a business framework that analyzes your organization, its objectives, and strategies for achieving those objectives. Typically, the planning step is conducted in stages, including:

Creating objectives

Determine essential outcomes and determine the measurements that will be used to measure them. Once you have determined your desired results, such as increased efficiency and agility, prioritize your automation use cases accordingly.

Identifying and analyzing automation possibilities

Align your use cases under three main areas of automation to efficiently uncover automation opportunities: Task automation, Process automation, and Augmentation. Ask yourself if the procedures are basic and entail routine chores, if they are complex, or if you need to offer self-service solutions, and then prioritize use cases accordingly.

Identifying technology that can accomplish the desired results

Technological capabilities are necessary in order to construct the Hyperautomation portfolio. Due to the fact that each technology’s fundamental qualities are distinct, their capabilities also vary. Gartner identifies eight essential characteristics necessary to meet Hyperautomation objectives in the following visuals.

Choosing the Appropriate Set of Technologies Choosing the appropriate set of technologies requires more than merely comparing one tool to another. Instead, companies should determine the optimal combination of complementary technologies.

For an effective technology portfolio here’s what you need to do: Prioritize your organization’s capabilities. Analyze the products and technological characteristics that are ideal and correspond with the requirements. 

Four important factors to consider when making technological decisions:

In addition to examining the compatibility of automation technologies with your business objectives, you must also examine the four factors below.

Time-to-value constraint — A compromise between tactical and strategic value to establish the optimal equilibrium.

The total cost of ownership (TCO) – Determining if the TCO for the chosen automation technology justifies the overall budget. Evaluate your company’s ability to build, implement, and sustain automation using the chosen collection of technologies.

Vendor Maturity – Evaluate the vendor’s platform and its capabilities to determine if their solution is compatible with your corporate architecture.

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