Category Process Mining
process mining for digital transformation

Why Do You Need Process Mining for Digital Transformation?

process mining for digital transformation

As decades of historical data and case studies demonstrate, transforming an organization fundamentally has always been a challenge. Digital transformation is no exception, particularly in more sophisticated and younger companies. The complexity of digitally changing a company and the critical role that process mining and process discovery play.

C-level executives are under increased pressure to produce better results in an ever-changing business landscape. Because of the uncertainty in global markets, corporations are turning inward to increase revenue, save costs, and focus on efficiency rather than investing in new large-scale ventures. Fortunately, the proliferation of new digital tools and apps has opened up a world of possibilities for business leaders to unearth hidden revenue, slash costs, and build leaner, more efficient organizations.

The issue is deciding where these new digital technologies should be applied, which is a typical challenge that generates a number of concerns, such as:

  • Which of your processes is ready to be transformed?
  • Which of these operations might be automated?
  • What initiatives will provide the most value to the company?

Continue reading to see why Process mining is so crucial to digital transformation, as well as possible answers to the questions above.

The Need for Digital Transformation in Business

The disruption of work and business ecosystems prompted the adoption of digital transformation, and most businesses increased their efforts to deal with this unforeseen transition. Eight out of ten organizations increased their digital transformation programs in 2020, according to Dell’s Digital Transformation Index, which surveyed over 4000 corporate executives across the world. In addition, 89% of those polled said the pandemic proved the need for a more agile and scalable IT architecture.

Technology is clearly not just an option in this new environment, but a core business strategy that must be weaved into every aspect of an organization. Better cooperation inside and across organizations, more personalized customer interaction, greater staff creativity and productivity, and more precise data insights may all help a Business expand and thrive post-pandemic.

Here are some of the main reasons why digital transformation is essential for any business wanting to expand and stay competitive in today’s digital environment.

  • On-demand is something that everyone expects.
  • To increase the efficiency of the workforce
  • Security is a critical issue for every company.
  • Strengthen the business relationships.
  • Make faster and better decisions.

Using Process Mining as the Foundation of your Digital Transformation

Process mining technology is a perfect method for discovering, monitoring, and improving processes. It helps you uncover problems, locate process bottlenecks, highlight locations where work is repeated, and ultimately where modifications to your models are needed by analyzing event logs and other relevant data to create a visual depiction of your processes.

Process mining provides deep insights into the development of your business, allowing you to see what is going on rather than what you assume is going on.

The following are just a few of the many benefits of process mining technology:

  • Improved Transparency and Productivity
  • Real-time monitoring of critical performance metrics
  • Scenario testing and predictive analysis
  •  Better Data Intelligence and Understanding
  • It enables data-driven decision-making, resulting in faster and more precise decisions.
  • Cost savings and an increase in revenue
  • Visualization: the role of processes in achieving corporate goals
  • Simple scaling and change management.
  • Process standardization
  • Improvements in business reach and cybersecurity

With process mining, you now have a strong tool for tackling your digital transformation activities and getting the critical information you need to make educated decisions. You may simulate how altering the procedure will affect your company. You’ll be able to see precisely how much money you’ll make if you invest. You can receive automated recommendations on how and where to enhance your existing practices.

Therefore, process mining should be the cornerstone technology for all future investment and transformation initiatives.

Using Process Mining to Create a Business Case for Digital Transformation

Securing a budget for investment and delivering value in the face of change is no easy task in these turbulent times. You need complete transparency, as the business case, should be founded on data rather than assumptions and speculation. Process mining technology makes it easy to map out concise situations that accurately reflect the returns to be given to the organization.

Process mining makes it easier to build your technology strategy and move your company from visibility to transformation. With end-to-end visibility into how information and work move through your company, it’s simple to see where and how changes may be made to unlock new profit and revenue opportunities. It’s a lot simpler to construct a business case based on this level of data, and hence to drive your digital transformation initiatives, when you have this level of information.

Get started with Process Mining Tools for Digital Transformation for Business

Given the challenges in acquiring financing, businesses want to proceed according to their budgets. Therefore, to disrupt the market, they will need a more defined and specific method for retrieving the target value as planned. It also necessitates that the processes be well-designed and automated to some level.

In most cases, Digital Transformation results in three major changes in an organization:

  • Changes in product and service offerings
  • Transformation of the value chain
  • Implementation of a new business model.

Organizations must analyze all existing processes to make the required adjustments to accomplish digital transformation to execute the new value chain that creates the new offering of products and services to fulfill the new business model. Process Mining is a process analysis approach that is appealing to both public and commercial companies due to a lack of understanding of real-world business processes.

Revenue and customer satisfaction directly affect the company’s ability to measure, monitor, and improve business processes. Therefore, it’s critical to choose a process mining solution that satisfies all of your company’s goals.

In Conclusion

Process mining is a strategy that converts previously complex and chaotic data into an opportunity rather than a danger or a hindrance for organizations.

Above all, it enables the more effective assessment and correlation of divergent and seemingly unrelated data, as well as the detection and rapid response to errors.

Using the correct process mining technology, rather than investing hours, days, or weeks attacking process dysfunction on spreadsheets, can allow you to make better use of the data you already have and deliver greater business value. While dealing with your company’s data mess may appear to be a challenging task, to reap several rewards in the future, start now.

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